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14 Wege für mehr soziale Interaktion für Ihre Emails.

Wie wäre es mit einem #Hashtag im Email-Betreff?

It wasn’t that long ago that social media was brand new – adopted by mostly college kids and self-proclaimed geeks - sites like Facebook and MySpace were unventured territory for marketers. But, at the time, this new communication channel had captured the attention of the business world and companies everywhere were focused on leveraging this new channel for the benefit of their bottom line. Display ads, social media business pages and the like sprang up everywhere.

Now that the initial boon has passed, many businesses regularly include various social tactics into their branding and marketing plans. If you are like most, a cornerstone of that plan is having social media pages for your business, and icons for each featured in your email templates. While this is a smart (and relatively low cost) way to support and grow customer adoption and penetration across the email and social channels, it may not be enough to truly engage subscribers and your social audience into a deeper relationship with your brand. To provide a cohesive and compelling experience for your audience, consider integrating some new tactics into your strategy ...