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Vergrößern Sie Ihre Emailliste mit diesen 5 Tipps

Mike Hotz von ClickZ zeigt hier 5 Taktiken auf, mit deren Hilfe Sie mehr Adressen für Ihren Newsletter gewinnen können!
24.04.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei ClickZ

Back in January, many email marketers said increasing their lists was their top goal for 2013. Well, spring is here. Is your mailing list growing as fast as your flowers and lawn? If not, it's time to execute a new plan. Many marketers have email addresses only for 30% or less of their customer and prospect lists. They're tempted to revert to their direct-mail experience and reach for a quick fix like email append ("e-append") and list rental/purchase. But in today's engagement-based inbox placement world, this "quick fix" approach can give you more headaches than new sales...