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Bald ist Weihnachten! So kann sich Ihre Email Kampagne auch in dieser Zeit durchsetzen.

Einzelhändler rechnen im vierten Quartal mit einem Großteil ihres Umsatzes durch die Weihnachtseinkäufe und jeder wirbt …

It’s hard to believe, but the busy holiday season is nearly here.

In just another month catalog companies will start sending out the first holiday catalogs. Shortly after that the holiday emails will start hitting the market and for about two to three months consumers will be finding their inboxes full of offers, promotions and new merchandise.

The holiday season is important for many companies. Retailers count on the fourth quarter for much of their sales as people do their holiday shopping for families and friends. Businesses in other industries also take advantage of the holiday season as a time when people are opening their wallets for a variety of products and services.

Email strategy is important as the holiday season approaches. There is a lot of competition for the inbox. Consumers will be strained as they look through their inboxes every day. The tendency will be to delete more emails than normal, but with a good strategy companies can still win the inbox war.

Here are three items to remember as you plan your holiday email frequency...