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Klicken Sie hier-Links verlieren immer mehr an Bedeutung

Seit den Anfängen von HTML, sind "hier klicken"-Links in Emails und Webseiten allgegenwärtig, verlieren jedoch in mehrfacher Hinsicht an Bedeutung.
20.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Campaign Monitor

Since HTML's humble beginnings, the 'click here' link has been ubiquitous in both email and web copy. So common is it, that 'click here' has lost its meaning, in more ways in one. And that's exactly the problem with using it in email campaigns.

For the most part, we can't be blamed for using 'click here' liberally. At first impression, it seems like an unambiguous call-to-action (CTA), a direct request to do a good thing for our campaign's goals. However, if you're conscientious about keeping your copy as short and as punchy as possible, it may have become apparent that 'click here' are two words that you can almost always omit. For example, compare the following links:

1. To find out more about ABC Widgets' range, click here.
2. Find out more about ABC Widgets' range.

Which sentence is shorter? Which is really the more instructive CTA to you?