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All great marketers know that email is still one of the most powerful marketing tactics at their disposal, but they also know that it’s evolving beyond its newsletter blasting past. In fact, this is the topic of my Science of Email Marketing webinar coming up on June 13th. And as I’ve been conducting my research for the webinar, two particularly noteworthy trends from the evolution of email marketing have caught my eye: the importance of relevance and segmentation.

The Importance of Relevance
When I conducted a survey about email marketing, I asked respondents to tell me, in a free-form text field, why they chose to subscribe to emails from some companies. One of the most common responses I received was that they expected the emails were going to be relevant to their interests. 38% of respondents specifically referenced the word “relevance,” and one especially well-worded response indicated that content should be “particularly and specifically” relevant to them.