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4 Strategien für ein erfolgreiches Email Marketing

Für ein erfolgreiches Email Marketing benötigt man eine gute Strategie. Ansätze hierfür liefert Business Review USA …
15.06.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Business Review USA

Should you ever bring up the topic of email marketing, you will certainly hear people complain about the hundreds of emails they receive on a daily basis. They will tell you sob stories about the endless “junk” they receive and how they try to opt-out from all of that “spam” …all to no avail! They might even give you a strange look (after all, you did bring up email marketing at a party) and start asking you if you are “one of those people” who sends huge volumes of email.

With increased postage rates and the desire to reach your prospect when they are attentive, email has increasingly been the solution. The most recent challenge has become: with so many businesses sending messages, how should you stand out in the crowd? How can you ensure that your message actually gets noticed?