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Die 7 größten Fehler im Email Marketing

Email ist sehr effektiv, wenn sie richtig eingesetzt wird! Die Versandtechniken richten sich an die Zielgruppe und hier wird oft viel falsch gemacht!

You probably aren’t expecting someone from Constant Contact to say e-mail is dead. Fair enough. And you are right: e-mail is definitely alive and well. However, you might hear differing opinions on the subject depending on which small business owner you talk to. This is because there are different approaches on how to best use e-mail to reach customers and prospects. In many ways, e-mail is dead for a lot of small businesses–not because of the tool, but because of the business’s approach.

If your e-mail list isn’t growing, your unsubscribe rates are up and your open rates are down, you may want to rethink how to use email more effectively to reach your target audience. So before you throw the baby out with the bathwater and dump e-mail marketing altogether, consider if you’re guilty of any of the following seven behaviors.