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Einer Umfrage von ExactTarget zufolge möchten 77 Prozent der Befragten Werbebotschaften per Email

ExcatTarget hat hierfür 1.500 Personen ab dem Alter 15 Jahren aufwärts befragt…

If you’re involved in marketing, you’d better be using email to send promotional messages to your customers. It doesn’t matter how old they are, consumers overwhelmingly prefer to receive marketing via email and there’s no close second place channel.

The data come from ExactTarget’s 2012 Channel Preference Survey — the 14th report in the company’s Subscribers, Fans and Followers series.

ExactTarget asked almost 1,500 US online consumers (age 15 and up) about how they prefer to get permission-based marketing messages and a whopping 77 percent said email — a number that dwarfs all other options in the survey. Direct mail was second at nine percent and text messaging was third at five percent.