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Email als Point of Sale?! JA, immer wieder und noch mehr!

Immer mehr werden durch Email-Programme Neukunden und Neugeschäfte generiert, weshalb man Emails als POS stark fördern sollte!

As clients, mainly retail, try to grow and expand their email lists, many have turned to Point of Sale (a.k.a. POS) email collection. POS collection has become an industry norm with the ability to bring tremendous growth. One Experian CheetahMail client, for instance, gained 220,990 customers from POS in 2011, 35% of which are active within the email program (open, click, and/or transact).

While this form of collection is relatively quick and easy, it’s important to note that address and email capture in stores can be a cumbersome process, and the pressure to capture data as quickly as possible can negatively impact accuracy, reputation, and ultimately deliverability. The benchmark for POS email capture bounce rate is 20%, a large percentage based on the fact that the total bounce rate across all clients at Experian CheetahMail for 2011 was 1.5%.