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Social Email Marketing - Erreichen Sie mit SWYN-Links bis zu 20% mehr Öffnungen

Stream Send hat es getestet! Email Kampagnen mit Social Share Buttons waren um einiges erfolgreicher!
02.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Stream Send

StreamSend, a leading email marketing service provider, has now integrated Google Analytics into its social marketing tool suite StreamSend Share, a feature that shows more than 20% improvement in the view and click rate of emails designed to be shared socially.

Having already made Google Analytics an important part of its standard email reporting, StreamSend is now using this valuable feature to deliver precise, ROI-boosting insights as recipients share socially-powered emails, multiplying the impact of a single email message.

“With a single click, businesses can now send an email to their mailing list and then beyond, into the social world, where continuous distribution is limited only by the relevancy of the content and how easy it is to share,” said Dan Forootan, president of StreamSend Email Marketing...