Emails werden nun rund um die Uhr gelesen oder doch nicht?!
Recent legislation passed in Brazil could result in employers being required to pay overtime to employees checking email or taking phone calls after work hours. This law seems to follow some global employers’ efforts to limit the time spent on email while not at work–going to such extremes as shutting off email servers during non-work hours. You can read more of the original Mobiledia article that reported this data here.
Since much of the non-work email checking takes place on smartphones, this news feels like a potentail speedbump in the global acceleration path of mobile email–with many potential impacts. For example:
- Individuals may increasingly choose to have dual mobile phone plans (one for work, one for personal use). Many consumers already choose this approach, but we could see a dual mobile presence skyrocket to dilineate personal vs. business use–sparking a large context problem for mobile marketers to track.
- Companies executing B2B email marketing campaigns during non-work hours may see lower engagement (opens/clicks/conversions) on campaigns during work hours