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Wirkt auch Ihr Newsletter wie eingeschlafene Füße? It’s Time To Change!

Lassen Sie sich von VISION6 inspirieren. Anbei finden Sie 20 Ideen, um Ihren Newsletter aufzupäppeln…

It’s that time again, the deadline for your upcoming email newsletter is looming and you just can’t find the energy or inspiration to even start.

In fact, you find yourself staring at the screen with eyes slightly out of focus and fingers itching to type “w-w-w-dot-f-a-c-e-b-o-o…” into your web browser.

Sound familiar? Well help is at hand. Instead of procrastinating, shake off the cobwebs by going for a walk (depending on the neighbourhood), bouncing ideas around with a colleague, or drawing a mind map to organise your thoughts.

If that doesn’t work, check out the list of ideas below.