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Warum die Kanäle Search und E-Mail dominieren

Adam T. Sutton erklärt, wieso Search und E-Mail die wichtigsten Medienkanäle sind.
18.11.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Marketingsherpa Blog

I always start an interview with general questions. I ask about the company, the marketer’s role, and the company’s marketing in general. It helps frame the case study or tactics we’re about to cover.

I sometimes ask, “What are your top marketing channels?” This helps me understand the team’s priorities. Some say ‘catalogs’ or ‘telesales,’ but the two channels I most often hear are email marketing and search.

Again and again, marketers say one or both of these channels are the primary drivers of their success. That got me thinking about the similarities between email and search engine optimization (SEO)/pay-per-click (PPC). I came up with three: