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Schaffen Sie effektive und profitable Geburtstags E-Mails

Sehen Sie hier Beispiele von gelungenen und nicht so guten Geburtstags E-Mails, und lassen Sie sich inspirieren.

In my last column, I offered suggestions for improving the content of birthday emails based on a message sent to me by Six Flags. In the column before that one, I provided a client case study showing that birthday emails can lift conversion rates by 60 percent over non-birthday email messages with the same offer. I also did a quick review of the most effective, in my opinion, birthday email I received this year, which happened to be from the NHL.

Today, I'm going to look at a few other birthday emails, both good and not-so-good, which stood out in my inbox.
But first, let's talk about birthday offers. I broke the offers I received in my birthday email messages into three categories:

40 percent were discounts, meaning that I had to make a purchase to get the savings
40 percent offered free stuff, meaning that no purchase was required
20 percent offered nothing but good wishes