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Optimieren Sie Ihre E-Mails für den mobilen Empfang

Mike Hotz beschreibt, wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Kampagne so gestalten, dass sie auch auf mobilen Geräten erfolgreich ist.

You have worked hard to develop your email creative so that it meets email design best practices, but now you must consider a new imperative: making your email easy to view on a mobile device.
Mobile adoption among B2B and B2C users has exploded over the past few years, and it's only going to continue to rise:

ComScore reports that 69.5 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones during the three months ending in February 2011, up 13 percent from the preceding three-month period.
Smartphones outsold PCs for the first time ever in February, according to IDC, while 43 percent of the total mobile population in the U.S. will have a smartphone by the end of 2011.

Because reading email is the number one activity on smartphones, it's only a matter of time before all of your emails will have to be mobile-friendly.

Depending on your subscriber base, you might already be well past that point. Check with your web analytics provider, or use tools such as Litmus or Return Path to find out what your subscribers use to read their email.