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Email Marketing – Das Wichtigste zuerst!

Wie wird Ihre Email heute auf unterschiedlichen Geräten dargestellt? Eine gute Frage!
31.07.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei EMAIL CRITIC

Let’s start off with defining “above the fold.” In the newspaper world, above the fold is anything that is on the top half of the newspaper – it’s prime real estate for articles. You put your best and most compelling articles above the fold because they are the hook to getting people to buy your paper.

Now what does “above the fold” mean in email? In email, it’s anything that appears on a computer screen without scrolling. Which means it’s different in every email client and every device. For viewing emails on a computer, a good rule of thumb is the top 400 pixels will display in most email clients above the fold. On mobile phones, the only thing that will show up is your header. On the iPad and other readers, it will vary. Conclusion? Put the most important stuff at the top of your email.