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Die Größe einer Liste ist nicht Alles

Dennis Dayman schreibt darüber, dass die Größe einer E-Mail-Liste noch lange Nichts über ihren Wert aussagt.

Money and list sizes aren't everything. OK, maybe money is everything and here's hoping you get lots of it, but the size of one's email target list size doesn't indicate how successful you will be now or in the future. Last week, I had the pleasure again to speak at the famed Email Insider Summit; not on the topic of email best practices, but on the security of customer data and the brands and service providers who are entrusted with it.

I'm not here to give you another lesson about data governance and security. However, a very interesting, but all too well-known issue I heard from marketing managers at the event roundtables was "I'm blocked and when I looked into it, it turns out we are hitting spam traps or other problematic accounts/issues." We panelists simply suggested that if people are not interacting with your brand over a few months, then you either survey them to get them to reengage or flat-out drop them. (Sorry Dela Quist - my U.K. friend hates the dropping idea.) Now, I'm not talking about suggestions like decrease 50 percent of a list or confirm opt-in everything, but we suggested it would help cut down their list to individuals who were truly engaged with the brand and wanted to receive the message.