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Wie die neuen Gmail-Tabs das Konsumentenverhalten beeinflussen

Über die Hälfte der Konsumenten geben an, genau so viel Zeit mit dem Lesen von Werbe-E-Mails zu verbringen, wie vor der Einführung der Gmail-Tabs.
17.09.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei MarketingProfs

Over half of consumers (54%) report that the new Gmail Tabs feature hasn’t affected the amount of time they spend viewing promotional messages from their favorite brands, according to a recent report by StrongView.

However, 40% of consumers say they spend less time viewing promotional messages since the rollout of the feature, which automatically filters inbox messages to various tabs for US Gmail users.

Only 7% of survey respondents say they spend more time viewing messages since Tabs was introduced; however, 15% of younger users (age 18-24) say so.