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Wann und wo werden Ihre Emails geöffnet und warum ist das so wichtig!

Im Bett, im Bad, in der Bahn oder im Büro? Warum ist das wichtig? Andrew King (senior strategy consultant, Lyris) erklärt es hier.

With the explosion of mobile devices in recent years, your email campaign could be opened at any time and in a much wider variety of locations and situations than a few years ago, when practically all emails were checked on a desktop computer.

So what are some of the most popular locations that your emails could be opened? And are your subscribers likely to convert from your email when they are in that location?

According to Google’s, Our Mobile Planet, most first-world countries had close to or over 50% smartphone penetration in 2012.

And I think we’ve all seen Litmus’ latest stats showing how popular smartphones are among email subscribers: 44% of the 250 million email opens they recorded in June 2013 came from smartphones...