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Qualitätssicherung bei der Adressgenerierung und der richtige Umgang mit Abonnenten

Die Qualität ist natürlich ein ausschlaggebendes Kriterium, jedoch nur der richtige Umgang mit den gesammelten Adressen garantiert auch den Erfolg!

Many marketers I work with have challenges with obtaining and maintaining a high quality subscriber list file. High quality in most cases means subscribers that open your email, read it and take the actions you are asking them to take such as visiting your website, buying a product or downloading a report. When I ask marketers about their approach to subscriber quality, many use some of the basic tactics such as using an 'opt-in' process, sending to a few subscriber segments for better targeting and signing up for feedback loops to suppress complainers. While it is good to use some of the basic tactics, there are many more opportunities to improve subscriber quality that many marketers aren't taking advantage of right now...