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Wissen Sie was Ihre Kunden wollen?

Kunden wollen nicht immer alles wissen! Aber was sie wissen möchten lässt sich klar eingrenzen! Es sind nur 4 Sachen ...

Email is the foundation of online communication—after all, according to recent studies, more than 90% of online consumers subscribe to a brand via email. (Stats come from the 2013 Global Executive Summary, part of the SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS research series that compares and contrasts the digital marketing habits of international consumers.)

But what are consumers hoping to receive in their inboxes when they subscribe to a brand’s email program? What brand messages are they most likely to open and read? When we look at the top “Motivations to Subscribe” across various countries, there are plenty of differences. But consumers primarily categorize want one of four things from a brand's email messaging...