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Was funktioniert in einem Email Betreff am besten? Wollten Sie das nicht immer wissen?

In einer Studie hat MarketingCharts 1,159 Milliarden Emails analysiert und dabei großen Wert auf die Länge und Auswahl der Wörter im Betreff gelegt!

Adestra put out an interesting report on what works in email subject lines and what doesn’t. Character count, word count and the keywords themselves are all key ingredients, and the study compares variables across different types of emails.

For the report (via MarketingCharts), the firm analyzed 1.159 billion emails sent within the last year. They looked at the length of subject lines, as well as word selection.

“In the B2B world, it’s clear that either short or long subject lines work best. Short subject lines (90),” write Parry Malm and Mark Bonner, the authors of the report. “The key point here is to consider what the end objective for your campaign is, and tailor your subject line around that.” ...