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5 Tipps für mehr Power für Ihr Email Marketing

Email bleibt weiterhin bestehen und hat sich immer wieder als ein sehr effektiver Weg zur erfolgreichen Kundenkommunikation bestätigt!
19.10.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei ClickZ

Email is here to stay and has proven to be a very effective way to drive engagement with consumers. Here are five things you should focus on to drive maximum engagement.

1. Is it easy on the eyes? Make sure that you have less text that is well spaced out and that your content is highlighted. Reduce the fine print to what is required and put in pictures that are relevant. Pictures help break the monotony of reading and help with cognition. Design your email well - think about putting pictures in a frame, they need to look pleasing. Do not stop with the email - create a mobile version and do not forget about your landing page...