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Wie Marketer jene gefürchteten Email Spam Traps vermeiden können

Spam-Traps sind Instrumente, die ISPs verwenden, um Spammer zu identifizieren und zu verfolgen.
19.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei HubSpot

Email inboxes are precious territory. So it's no surprise marketers are aching to get some real estate in those bad boys! It's also no surprise, however, that spammers are fighting tooth and nail to get in there, too.

But what about the people in between email marketers and spammers? You know ... the ones who are doing mostly good email marketing, but aren't really cleaning their lists. Or the ones who generate mostly opt-in email addresses, but got pressured by their boss to buy a list or two. Are they going to suffer the same repercussions as straight up email spammers?

Well, if they hit a spam trap ... yeah, they might.

But it's not that black and white. There are different types of spam traps, varying levels of repercussions for hitting them, and some email marketers that are more likely to hit them based on the makeup of their contacts database. That's a lot of shades of gray. So we sat down with our own email deliverability specialist Evan Murphy and consulted a fantastic article on BriteVerify by former Hotmail postmaster Travis Wetherbee that discusses the subject of spam traps in great detail to get some clarity on this hot-button issue. Here's what we learned about spam traps that we think email marketers should know...