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Social Media Integration macht Email Marketing erfolgreicher!

Laut einer Umfrage von Return Path möchten 37% der befragten Email Marketer ihre Social Media Aktivitäten zugunsten von Email Marketing erhöhen!
19.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Marketing Land

When asked to identify their top five priorities for the year, social integration and improving analytics were highest on the minds of email marketers, with 37% of those surveyed choosing each goal. That’s according to a new study conducted by the Relevancy Group and sponsored by Return Path.

The survey was conducted in August 2012 by the Relevancy Group using an online panel of marketing executives with those with fewer than 10,000 customer records filtered out. Those surveyed were running both business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing efforts, across industries that included retail, travel, financial services and the media/publishing industries...