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Email Marketing und Email-Anhang. Ein unschönes Paar?!

Obwohl man das „Problem“ mit Firewalls und zu großen Emails sehr elegant mit Hyperlinks lösen kann, bestehen viele trotzdem auf Email-Anhänge! Warum?

Lately, we’ve gotten questions from a few email marketers asking for best practices when adding an attachment to your message. Our best advice: Don’t.

When deploying a new email campaign, you probably ask yourself “Would I open this?” to determine how your list will receive the message. Think of what an attachment would look to a new subscriber who is not familiar with how your email subject lines look – An attachment from an unknown sender could be a virus. Their first instinct will be to simply hit the “spam” button and move on with their day.

Similarly, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will have the same reaction when seeing your inbound message. Those that send a large amount of emails on a regular basis that include attachments typically are spammers...