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Optimieren Sie Ihr B2B Email Marketing und Sie werden umso effektiver!

Nutzen Sie Email auch, um Geld zu sparen, nicht nur Umsätze zu steigern und isolieren Sie vor allem nicht das Email Marketing in Ihrem Unternehmen!
12.07.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei ClickZ

Data for remarketing. One of the low hanging fruits of the B2B email world is leveraging email metrics for follow-up or remarketing email campaigns. We have one large business to business (B2B) client that saw a huge return on investment (ROI) due to applying the basic intelligence that email metrics offer up and using those to strategize a customized campaign effort that drove over $100,000 in incremental revenue.

So in a nutshell, we took the response metrics and made a decision tree for the conversion goal and developed custom creative and messaging based on what the person did and what we wanted them to do. The efforts generated an ROI of almost 4,000 percent and won a plethora of awards from the digital and direct marketing communities.