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Mobile Nutzung von Emails hat die Führung übernommen!

Einer Studie von Litmus zufolge hat die Öffnungsrate von Mobile-Email mit 36 % Desktops und Webmails klar hinter sich gelassen!
12.07.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Mass Transmit

According to a recent study by Litmus, mobile has overtaken webmail and desktop email opens. 36% of all emails are opened on a mobile device. Email opens on mobile devices have increased 80% in the last six months.

The report also confirms that iPhone has taken the number 1 spot in email client opens, accounting for 20% of all email opens. (Outlook hangs on at number 2 with 18% of all opens). Opens on Android devices are up 250% and iPad opens are up 167%.