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Bauen Sie die Reichweite Ihres Email Marketings mit Pinterest aus.

Entwickeln Sie eine Strategie, um Pinterest optimal für Ihr Email Marketing zu nutzen. Nutzen Sie interessante Bilder, beobachten Sie Ihren Kunden…
11.07.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei WhatCounts

One of the latest additions to the already growing realm of social networking platforms is Pinterest. With its design-savvy layout and focus on images to represent content, one can spend hours on the social bookmarking website. It is because of the advent of this latest vice that many bloggers, marketers, and small business owners are now realizing how Pinterest can drive traffic more than any other site as long as your content is marketable. However, many brands find themselves grappling with the dilemma of how to make their Pinterest page marketable.

How marketable your brand’s Pinterest is breaks down to a few basics: Who You Follow, What You Post, and How You Interact. None of these aspects are mutually-exclusive and will all collectively affect how successful your Pinterest marketing campaign will be. By tailoring who you follow to current and potential customers, you will always have access to what they are interested in, the content they are most likely to consume, and who are the trendsetters most likely to influence others. This will allow you to post, or “pin,” content that will pique their interest the most and will more likely share with their followers. As with any other form of social networking, it is imperative that you do not rely on followers to lead the conversation – Constantly interact by re-pinning other content, liking pins that are relevant to your cause, and commenting on other pins.