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4 Gründe dafür warum Ihre Email Marketing Kampagnen nicht gut ankommen

Sie denken, Sie leisten eine gute Arbeit. Sie sind von sich überzeugt! Womöglich denken Sie einseitig! Probieren Sie diese Tipps aus...

Buyer’s remorse. We’ve all felt it at one point. Sometimes it’s a pair of ill-fitting shoes, in worse cases it’s a fixer-upper that turns into a money pit.

Whatever the case, you definitely don’t want to feel remorseful about your email marketing vendor. If you’re launching email campaigns, but you’re not seeing the results you expected, don’t blame the sales guy…yet. There are four common reasons why you may be experiencing roadblocks and some email marketing tips to combat them.

1. Your Message is Too Generic
Email is one of the most common ways that you communicate with your audience, so it’s imperative that your message is relevant and compelling. Your prospective audience needs to feel they have a question or a problem, and that your call-to-action will help solve it. If I receive an email encouraging me to download a white paper but it’s on a topic I don’t care about, the email probably won’t even get opened.