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Wie wirkt sich die Social Media Interaktion auf die Email-Zustellung aus?

Gibt es überhaupt Auswirkungen? Wie werden die ISPs zukünftig die Emails filtern? Spencer Kollas (Director, Delivery Services, StrongMail Systems)

In my last article, I talked about how to deal with unengaged customers and some of the factors that should be considered before sending to these users. After the article was published, I received a number of comments and emails supporting various sides of the argument. Given all the interest, I thought it would be helpful to respond publicly to some of the feedback.

Most of the emails I received were around the same topic: How email marketing should be treated just like any other marketing channel and whether ISPs should be able to block emails. A number of people also questioned my assertion that email marketing is much more successful as a retention channel than an acquisition mechanism.

So here are responses to two of the most popular questions I received.