Ist Ihr Email Marketing zeitgemäß? Wir haben 2012!
Given that all things Internet seem to move at the speed of light and come or go overnight, it’s fairly impressive to see commercial email marketing approaching its fifteenth birthday. I remember first becoming involved in email in 1999 and being impressed then with what was creatively and technically possible – even though dial-up Internet connections still outnumbered broadband!
Although anti-spam software and abuse-prevention delivery rules have often thwarted the channel’s technical capabilities (even since its early years – video in email was possible in 2000), there is no excuse to still be mailing like it’s 1999. After a decade of “best practices”, it’s high time to examine the core components of your email program to be sure you’re applying contemporary thinking and capabilities rather than simply re-running what worked or was assumed to have worked in the past. Many so-called “best practices” are far from evergreen and if not re-examined continually, become the number one reason an email program slowly degenerates into mediocrity and diminishing returns.