Eine Email Marketing Strategie muss ständig verfeinert und optimiert werden!
Even with the continued rise of social media marketing and alternate forms of online marketing, email marketing has proven it’s still a valuable tactic for both B2C and B2B marketers. The technology behind creating and deploying these emails hasn’t evolved dramatically as of late, but how you optimize the content of your email has become a crucial component to ensure your message is actually opened, read and acted on in the form of a click-through.
Get more from your email marketing efforts by taking the steps to optimize your emails using these top 9 tips:
1. Write concise email subject lines, with a clear benefit
We’ve all become experts at skim reading the vast number of emails in our inbox, especially when they’re promotional or marketing related, so writing concise subject lines of 50 characters or less with a “what’s in it for me” message is what you should strive for. Yes, this is easier said than done but a weak, long-winded subject line kills the chance of a successful email.