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Email Listenaufbau: Wie vergrößert man seine Liste und behält die Abonnenten auf Dauer?

Double Opt-In ist schon lange Pflicht aber bei vielen nicht angekommen und relevante Inhalte, die Anreize zur Empfehlung bieten und binden...

Last month, we talked about the email subscribers you don’t want and how to prevent them from signing up to your list. Now, it’s time to think about how to get and keep the subscribers you DO want.

To help us with this, we talked to Johhn Four from Gamer Lifestyle. He left some impressive comments about how to prevent zombie addresses, so we took a look at the site’s email campaign. The results were so good, we decided we needed to share his email marketing strategy.

Find out what you need to do to get the right visitors’ attention and how to keep subscribers tuned in to your list.