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Die Zahl der mobilen Internetnutzer wird sich weltweit bis 2020 verdoppeln

Emails werden somit anders geöffnet und gelesen! Bereits jetzt kann man anhand von Öffnung- und Klick-Zahlen einiges herausfinden...
02.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei MediaPost

According to the GSMA,the global mobile industry trade group, the number of mobile-connected devices will double from 6 billion in 2011 to 12 billion by 2020. Are you ready to take full advantage of this digital juggernaut? Here are five tips on how you can get the most out of your mobile advertising investments.

1. Look beyond click-through rates when evaluating mobile campaigns.
If you think mobile is just for direct response campaigns, you may be trapped in 2006. Mobile can drive tremendous brand engagement — there’s no reason to evaluate mobile campaign performance through the vantage point of CTR.

2. Be open to testing.
Don’t pigeonhole your campaigns into narrow audiences or device types. Think your campaign will perform best on tablets as opposed to feature phones? That’s fine. Test performance on tablets, but don’t abandon feature phones. Campaign performance is, in many cases, situational. One device does not work universally better than another. While you may be convinced your campaign will resonate with a certain segment, experiment with targeting tactics, and choose a vendor that employs prospecting techniques to identify new, potentially lucrative audiences (“lookalikes”). The most successful brands are not afraid to innovate, iterate and learn.