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Die Herausforderung in B2B Email Marketing: Wie hält man die Öffnungsrate hoch?!

Die Qualität des Newsletters ist entscheidend. Wertvolle Inhalte, die den Leser interessiert und das schafft man mit einer guten Segmentierung ...
19.01.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Constant Contact

Businesses that are marketing to other businesses can have a difficult time coming up with the right content for their email newsletters. It’s a little harder to think of articles for email marketing when clients rely on you as a resource for professional advice and services, rather than a source of coupons and giveaways. Offering a discount on your services can be impractical for every email, and “10 Ways to Market Your...” articles only go so far.

Without great content, people won’t feel inclined to open an email, much less follow up on a B2B’s services. That can make sending out an engaging newsletter a challenge each time, particularly because people often react quite differently to an email advertising a free sandwich than they do an email advertising your expertise.