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Nutzen Sie nie das CC Feld für eine E-Mail Werbekampagne

Lesen Sie hier, warum Sie niemals Ihre Empfänger ins CC Feld setzen sollten bei Ihrer E-Mail-Kampagne.

The carbon copy or CC email function can be extremely useful when you need multiple people to see a message. If you’re an email marketer, however, its convenience could come back to bite you. Improper use of this seemingly harmless feature has some serious consequences.

Privacy Breached

If you are familiar with the CCing process and how it works, you have probably noticed that it can easily lead to a privacy issue depending on the parties involved. When you send a carbon copy of a message to your subscribers, the email address of each recipient is available for every other recipient to see. This is a bad thing for two main reasons. First, you are exposing all of your subscribers to the potentially dangerous threat of spam, which could very well be sent by the some of the people you CCed. Secondly, you are essentially showing your subscribers that you do not care about protecting their personal data and privacy. If they can’t trust you to keep them safe, why should they deal with you at all?