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Kundennutzen: 4 Tipps, wie ie je nach Zielgruppe Kundennutzen definieren

Nicht jeder Kunde zieht denselben Nutzen aus Ihrer Werbebotschaft - also gestalten Sie diese entsprechend differenziert!

We’ve all heard the saying “someone’s trash is another one’s treasure.” The same holds true to the value your product and/or service offering brings to the world. If different pockets of people like you better for different reasons, how can you create a single, competitive value proposition that addresses all of them?

Austin McCraw and Flint McGlaughlin are researching and writing a book to help you craft effective value propositions. With the topic buzzing through the labs of late, over the past couple of months, I have been surveying various members of the MarketingExperiments optimization research team as well to try discover how they approach this challenge. Here are some key discoveries so far, and I look forward to reading the final book.