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Email Marketing ist mehr als „One to One“ Kommunikation!

Ihr Newsletter wird von mehr als nur einen Empfänger gelesen! Social Media machen Emails viral und somit steigen die Möglichkeiten…
23.01.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei AWeber

Email marketing and social media are two platforms for spreading your company’s message and products across the web.

One of the toughest questions about social media as it grows and starts to mature a little is not just how to use social as a general marketing platform for buzz, promotion, and handling public relations, and develop the other uses that it may have just like email and email marketing have turned into an part of the modern daily life.

New tactics and ideas can quickly come and go, and so here are some different ideas that you can try to exercise in your own campaigns to help integrate social media into the success of the rest of the channels of your business.