Business Email Marketing: Keeping the Copywriters Happy
If you have one or a team of copywriters who handle the textual aspects of your email marketing campaigns, understand that the relationship you have with them is as important as the relationship you have with your audience, just on a different level. In fact, your success as an email marketer is heavily dependent on that relationship. You need to be on the same page. Fortunately, there are some simple guidelines you can follow to ensure that both parties are happy.
Create a Solid Communication Framework
Communication is the key to a successful relationship between you and your copywriters. Whether it’s via phone, email, instant messaging or a combination of the three, there needs to be a medium established for distributing assignments and plotting strategy. More importantly, they need to know what it takes to make your writing program a success.
In order to help them help you, your copywriters must know important things such as:
- The audience you are speaking to or want to reach.
- The type of tone you want to establish.
- Where the copy will be published (company website, blog, article directory).