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7 Schritte, wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Kampagne testen und optimieren können

Testen und Optimieren Ihrer E-Mail-Kampagnen - hier lesen Sie, wie Sie das am Besten tun.

Brad Bortone recently wrote a blog post regarding one of the surprising findings from the MarketingSherpa 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report – that 61% of marketers do not routinely test email campaigns to optimize performance.

Yes, as a member of the MECLABS team, a place where woven into the fabric of the corporate culture is testing and optimization, the news is disappointing. However, I can’t say it is surprising. Marketers today have more responsibilities and less time to accomplish their objectives, making it easy to overlook the benefits of testing.

The facts remain that the benefits of testing are enormous

Only through testing and optimization will marketers find what works best for their organization, and more importantly, his or her customers. Continuous experimentation is the quickest path to peak performance. With each new insight, the nuggets of knowledge collected will add up to more efficient and effective email communications.