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5 Todos für Ihre Listenwachstum

Lesen Sie hier, was Sie unbedingt tun müssen, damit Ihre Liste wächst.

It’s not about size, it’s what you do with it right?

Well, yes… and no. Small databases may just be perfectly formed, but your contacts are always changing, so some growth is essential.

The real question is, if your’s is too small, what can you do about it? Growing your database relies on some MUST-DO’s. But cry, wail, berate though we do (even to *gasp* our own clients) every single day, they are not done, all over the web, on sites from all over the world.

Don’t be one of them. Here are a few of the MUST-DO’s to grow your email list:

Ask. This is direct marketing. You must ask, directly, in many ways – buttons, text links, in-copy prompts, and from landing pages, blogs, Facebook and LinkedIn, etc. If you are a large business with a busy website this is even MORE critical. Get someone who has no involvement with your website – you mum for example – and ask them to get their name on your mailing list; watch over their shoulder while they sign up. Everywhere they attempt to look should have a text link, button or directive to join. Note how the GAP family of sites and do this right on the home page – their most valuable real estate. And they should know – we’d guess their testing budgets are big…