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7 Dos und 5 Don'ts im Email Betreff

Jenna Hanington (Content Specialist, ExactTarget) bringt es hier auf den Punkt. Sich kurz und effektiv zu fassen ist nicht einfach jedoch notwendig!
07.06.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei ExactTarget

Spoiler alert: there's no silver bullet for subject lines.

Even email marketing experts like our friends at Litmus have openly admitted that there’s no secret to crafting subject lines that will guarantee you opens and clicks. (I know, I was disappointed too). In fact, they’ll be among the first to tell you that writing subject lines is hard.

The good news? There are a few tips and tricks that these experts have identified that will increase your open rates, and others that they suggest avoiding. Let’s go through a few of these dos and don’ts to get an idea of current email subject line best practices.


1. Reference location. If you’re targeting an email campaign by location, add a personal touch to your subject line by saying something like “Great News for our San Francisco Users.” Including this small detail will add a touch of relevance to your email that it may have lacked before...