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Umgehen Sie die Spamfallen mit diesen 6 Tipps

Wußten Sie, dass Ihre Email nahezu 800 verschiedene Tests bestehen muss, um nicht im Spam-Ordner zu landen!

Did you know that almost 800 tests are run on each email to determine if they are spam? It’s almost a miracle that most, if not all, email misses the spam folder. Of course, they do say, “Don’t worry too much about specific rules within SpamAssassin. The rules catch spam. If your email isn’t spam, you shouldn’t be matching the rules. Even if you do hit an occasional rule, unless your email actually is spam, it shouldn’t score high enough to be a problem.”

While most businesses do not deliberately send spam, there are some seemingly innocent things that can contribute to a higher than average spam score. And there are some not-so innocent things that can contribute to more messages ending up in your subscriber’s spam folder. Here are some things you can do to lower your spam score and get more messages in your subscriber’s inbox...