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Nutzen Sie Pinterest für Ihr Email Marketing

Pinterest wächst sehr schnell und ist besonders bei Frauen sehr beliebt! Nutzen Sie Pinterest für die Adress- und Traffic-Generierung.

Pinterest is the fastest growing social network today. We think Pinterest email marketers should be interested! Although it’s an image-based social networking, you can also use it in content marketing. Because words are pinnable too!

For most of 2012, we’ve seen news reports of how Pinterest is quickly gaining fans. In April 2012, Experian Hitwise research claimed Pinterest the third most popular social networking site in US behind Facebook and Twitter. And in May 2012, comScore study showed that Pinterest is the leader when it comes to purchasing an item seen in social network, surpassing Facebook.

Pinterest is not meant to be an affiliate link site, it is designed to share your content and ideas in vision boards, similar to the way interior designers pull together ideas for a kitchen make over. Vision boards are a collection of your ideas, things you like and inspiration all in one topical board. You can scan your friends boards too and see what interests them. However, the platform is evolving into a sales tool. Like something you see? Click through to the website where the image is hosted and make a purchase.

Many email marketers discovered Pinterest at the very moment it appeared, so you have probably already heard numerous tips and tricks on how to use Pinterest in email marketing. But in this blog post, I’d like to talk about integrated marketing campaigns where Pinterest is included or so-called pinterestcamps. Are you [P]interested?