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Mit diesen 3 Taktiken steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz durch Ihren Newsletter um mindestens 10 Prozent.

Mehr Relevanz bedeutet mehr Interesse und mehr Umsatz. Adam T. Sutton (MarketingSherpa) zeigt, wie Sie mit dem Newsletter besser verkaufen können.

"Relevance" is a central principle of email marketing, and its definition has changed through the years.

Early on, marketers focused on frequency and timing, working to send the right number of emails at the right times. Later, segmentation emerged, and marketers tailored content to suit different groups. Then, list hygiene came and cut inactive subscribers.

The next step is one-to-one personalization, says Erick Barney, VP of Marketing at Motorcycle Superstore, an e-commerce site for motorcycle gear and accessories.

"Any increased amount of relevancy is a plus," Barney says. "We’ve had really good success with personalization."

Motorcycle Superstore’s personalization goes well beyond adding first names to a greeting. Subscribers receive offers that are targeted to their individual shopping and browsing behaviors. The results have been great, Barney says, especially since this refinement is in addition to the team’s segmentation strategy.

"We continue to strengthen and improve our segments, and at the same time, we work to improve personalization. We feel strongly that the two just compound on top of each other and multiply the benefits."

Below, we describe the top three one-to-one personalization tactics Motorcycle Store uses to increase relevance and results.