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10-Punkte Strategie zum optimalen Email Marketing

Was ist „Email Marketing“? Weitaus mehr als nur Newsletter versenden oder Email-Einladungen verschicken! Wie sieht Ihre Strategie aus?

Need to improve your email marketing program’s performance? Here are the first five of 10 essential email marketing strategies to optimize your program.

1. Begin with the end in mind – incorporate testing and frequency caps. Ensure email marketing mailings focus on goals by incorporating regular testing into marketing campaigns. Tests should focus on variables that are levers (e.g., frequency, time of day, content) for attaining target goals (e.g., conversion). Work backward from a specific goal to ensure optimization practices such as testing are part of the mailing process. Determine the total number of messages subscribers will receive in a given month. Typically, marketers mail once per week. However, develop a contact strategy that incorporates frequency rules to avoid burning out subscribers.