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Auf der Email-Blacklist gelandet? Vorbeugemaßnahmen sind hilfreich!

Nichts ist ärgerlicher, als wenn wichtige Marketing Emails die Empfänger nicht erreichen, weil sie als Spam klassifiziert wurden.

Imagine the scenario; you’ve worked hard all week hitting deadlines and producing eye catching email creative that renders beautifully on multiple devices, now all you want to do is wind down by hitting a nightclub. So you dash home, pull your favourite shirt from your wardrobe and head into town.

After seemingly waiting for hours, and cursing those who jump the queue, you get to the door only to get turned away. Naturally you try to find out why you’ve been denied access to that ice cold mojito and those funky beats. The bouncer says “you’re on our barred list” and shows you a picture that could, through squinted eyes, look vaguely like you, had you been raised by a pack of wolves. Despite protesting, you get turned away so reluctantly head home feeling dejected, after all, you’d done nothing wrong!

Back at work on Monday, you’re looking last week’s campaign results and notice that you have an abnormal amount of hard bounces, upon closer inspection you see the words “550 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus”. You’ve just been turned away from the club, it’s like Friday night all over again!