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36 Prozent der Verbraucher lesen Ihre Emails mobil!

Dabei spielt der Betreff eine sehr wichtige Rolle und immer mehr junge Leute (18 bis 34 Jahre) greifen unterwegs auf Emails zurück…

More than a third of consumers (36%) read marketing emails on mobile, according to new research .

According to digital agency Steel, this rises to 55% among 18-34 year olds, highlighting the fact that brands need to optimise their email marketing for mobile devices.

The stats are supported by a Knotice study we reported in April which found that 27% of emails are opened on mobile devices.

Steel’s report found that almost 40% of those who read emails on mobile said they did so if the subject line sounded interesting.

The basic rules of email marketing still apply on mobile, “but we need to be smart in how this translates to a mobile version of an email – fewer characters on a far more personal device”.