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5 wichtige Regeln für den Erfolg im Mobile Email Marketing

Emails werden immer mehr mobil gelesen. Wie sind Sie darauf vorbereitet? Reagieren Sie jetzt...

Recent email consumer research we undertook here at dotMailer shows that 52% of consumers now access emails through their phones.

So it’s pretty clear that mobile devices and smartphones are changing the way we as consumers approach email.

But there remains confusion and uncertainty amongst many marketers about what this mobile

Luckily, we’ve put together a few tips to hopefully make things a bit clearer.

1. Make sure your website and email are optimised for mobile
Even if your email renders perfectly on a mobile device, if a recipient clicks through and finds a website that isn’t optimised they will be unlikely to convert.

According to a recent Google Adweek Presentation, 51% of smartphone users are more likely to purchase from retailers with a mobile specific website, but despite this, 79% of the largest advertisers still do not have mobile sites. That is just like leaving money on the table.